Monday, March 26, 2007

Don't call me...

I am doing the happy dance this morning because it is Spring Break here and I have a whole week to do as I please. Well, not exactly as I please because I started out my first day of spring break getting up at 6am to finish up our taxes so we could meet with our accountant at if I was REALLY doing what I pleased, I would still be laying in bed reading a good book! But for the rest of the week don't call me until after 10am! Did you get that?

Actually...I am feeling that creative energy that I often get when spring arrives and I am witness to all the potential for beauty in my world. I love walking around my yard just watching for the first buds on our Canadian Red Leaf Cherry tree (that's a mouthful)...the first green tips of the daffodils as they push through the rich brown dirt. All these new beginnings make me want to sew, crochet, scrapbook, and quilt! They also want me to grab a bucket of soapy water and wash every wall in my house and all the windows too...wash the bedding on all the beds...put the winter clothes away and then throw open the windows and french doors and let all the cool, clean, fresh air indoors! It is going to be a great week, I can just feel it! Here's a peek at a few of the projects I will be working on during the coming week:

I want to quilt this for a bedroom I am redoing...

And finish crocheting a receiving blanket for a friend mine...

And work on my own personal cookbook...

Whatever your plans...I hope you have a fabulous week!!!!


sandy said...

Have A Happy and Fun Spring Break Marilyn. Please don't wash your walls. Soak in a hot bath and go have your Pedicure. Love ya!

Ashley said...

Have fun this week. I hope you get alot of projects done but reserve a day to do something fun with me!!! Maybe we can have a "work on a project" day. That would be fun. I'll try and find a babysitter!!

Michelle said...

My advice is to wash one wall that will take about 10 minutes. Then spend the rest of your time doin the fun stuff. That way you don't hsve to feel guilty cus you did get some work done.(This advice is why my house looks like crap but I have a stack of darling quilts in the works).

Shelly B. said...

Um, I filled a garbage bag of old sutff from my closet to take to DI and now I feel I've done my spring cleaning duty and can spend the rest of the week hanging out with you doing projects and eating chocolate. ;)

wendy peatross said...

I vote for doing the fun projects, but my guess is your house always looks so nice because you do the spring cleaning.

lindsey said...

I must be my mother's daughter because my house is driving me nuts and I can't wait for my own Spring Break so that I have time to really deep clean. I hate dust.

I also can't wait to see how the guest room quilts turn out! They are going to be beautiful.

I miss you and wish that I were there. Love you!